Thursday, November 1, 2007

Not very exciting

Things are pretty uneventful at our house right now. Brent is finishing his surgical rotation today and takes his surgical test tomorrow. On Monday he starts pediatrics at Primary Childrens Hospital. I know that he is looking forward to working with an abundance of sick children. He just loves children and constantly asks me if I will give in to his requests to have a baby. I just tell him that he will just have to wait until I am not such a career driven women changing the world for good on a daily basis.
I've been keeping busy with school and work. I've been trying to get in shape but I don't think it is doing anything for my physique because I have subsantially increased my icecream intake to counteract my efforts.
Halloween was yesterday and it felt like it didn't even happen. Brent went to sleep early and I volunteered to work at Banana because they needed some help. (If anyone is interested, Banana just got new things in today and there is a heap load of womens items on sale. At Trolley there is so much in the back that if you don't find your size in something in the sale section, ask if they have it in the back. There is a good chance it could be there. Trolley has an over-abundance of sale because the traffic is down because of the construction going on around.)
That is how uneventful things are... the most I have to say is concerning the retail store I work occasionally at nights. I'll try and do something cool soon so I can be a better blogger.

1 comment:

Lacey Jane said...

Not very exciting? Ya right! You guys are changing the world 1 Bedke at a time!

(Thanks for the tip at Banana. Wish I could get down there sooner than later!)