Friday, November 2, 2007

Favorite Show

Right now my favorite show on television is Pushing Daisies. After every show I just want to hug my television/computer screen and thank it for the happiness it's given me. Everyone should watch it because it is so visually appealing. The narrator rhymes sometimes, and Chuck and Ned are the best couple ever considering they can't touch each other or she will die.
And I may have a crush on Ned. (above) I mean who wouldn't?

PS. I hate Grey's Anatomy and no one should watch it.


allison said...

I love this show too :)

It's great because if you miss it on Wednesdays, you can go to and watch the full episodes there!

Lacey Jane said...

I gotta agree, too! Love. it. Haven't even watched Grey's- they're recycling the storyline! Aargh.

drew said...

I love it too. As can be verified by my similar post a couple days ago.

I still watch Greys. So what.

Shelby said...

I haven't watched this but I had to comment about Grey's. I hate it too and have stopped watching. It is so painfully bad this year and I hate George and Izzie (but you already know that). So it's official. I'm done.