Thursday, March 15, 2007


So this is my friend Jason Dilworth. He has been my friend since we had an art class together in Jr. high. We both agreed that we hated Metallica which was what some kid always brought into play while we did our art. From then on we were art friends and camping and hiking friends throughout the years.
Since then Jason has recently graduated in graphic design. I wanted to share some of his work that I liked. I thought that my graphic design friends might appreciate it. For some reason all of them wouldn't load so sorry for not representing the full body of work. If you can't read them you can click on them and they will appear bigger (I hope).


ali said...

Cool, Bridge. He should turn these into some sort of coffee table book.

But why do you have to be hatin' on Metallica?

Anonymous said...

Never being one to shy away from shameless self promotion, D store oh and ali I am working on finishing the book.

Thanks Bridgett I became giddy seeing a link to my survival handbook.