Friday, December 12, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maybe it was because I went with girlfriends...maybe because it was my first night going anywhere without the baby...or maybe it was because I haven't had enough sleep for several nights in a row, but I really loved the movie Twilight. Most likely it was because I didn't drag my husband there and therefore didn't have to constantly look over at him as he took notes at all the cheesy lines with which he would rehearse to me afterward.
Sure the movie was cheesy and over the top, but so was the book, and they actually pulled it off much better than I expected. I loved the music, the look, the casting. I even loved Edward with his cherry chapstick lips and all. He did an amazing job of playing a part that is pretty much impossible to personify successfully.
The only person I wasn't pleased with was Victoria, even though her part was small in the film there is one short scene where she ruins it for me. I won't say what it was because I don't want to make those who haven't seen it notice it.
Everyone go and see this movie and tell me if you laughed at Jasper's face as much as I did. I just might have to go and see it again just for that reason (totally not to pretend that I am Bella).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More of Darwin
Since baby Darwin is pretty much all that consumes my days and nights, all I have is more pictures of him to post.
Brent is leaving for four residency interviews tomorrow so I am heading out to Vernal for the next eight days while he is gone. I am afraid that Brent will miss the baby too much. Afterall, he is going to be gone a sixth of his entire life by the time he gets back.
I even caught him trying to pack Darwin into his luggage.
He likes to sleep like this.
I wish that I could say that I will soon be posting more regular things and not just pictures of my baby but that would be lying. Maybe I will do something cool to blog about by Christmas. Until then prepare yourself for more of this...
Brent is leaving for four residency interviews tomorrow so I am heading out to Vernal for the next eight days while he is gone. I am afraid that Brent will miss the baby too much. Afterall, he is going to be gone a sixth of his entire life by the time he gets back.
I wish that I could say that I will soon be posting more regular things and not just pictures of my baby but that would be lying. Maybe I will do something cool to blog about by Christmas. Until then prepare yourself for more of this...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Darwin Andrew Bedke
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Yesterday I discovered something really disturbing. It seems that when I go into McDonald's to get my ice cream cones they are significantly smaller versus when I go through the drive through. I think those teenagers behind the counter are judging me...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Trying to blog...
So I'm a bad blogger. Probably everyone has figured that out.

My sister and I are due a day apart. She is having a girl and I am having a boy.

I wasn't kidding when I said that Brent really loves kittens.

Lately I seem to attract strange men to me who want to guess the sex of the baby. I've had four really weird guys come up to me and say things like, "Male or Female?" without saying anything else. Or tell me that they know I am having a girl. I think it must be a combination of the neighborhood we live in and riding Traxs. It's interesting how being pregnant automatically exposes you to strangers who feel it's their obligation to talk to you.
So not much of anything too exciting besides waiting and getting ready for this baby to come. The other night I had a dream that I gave birth to our little one. He came out with clown make-up on his face and a red joker smile around his mouth. Then he smiled this evil looking smile and I thought, 'Oh no, we have an evil child.' But I still thought he was really cute.
In July we had a family reunion at my parents new house. It was really fun to have so many of my nieces and nephews around. Here are some pictures from the reunion and our hay ride one evening on the farm.

My sister and I are due a day apart. She is having a girl and I am having a boy.

I wasn't kidding when I said that Brent really loves kittens.

Lately I seem to attract strange men to me who want to guess the sex of the baby. I've had four really weird guys come up to me and say things like, "Male or Female?" without saying anything else. Or tell me that they know I am having a girl. I think it must be a combination of the neighborhood we live in and riding Traxs. It's interesting how being pregnant automatically exposes you to strangers who feel it's their obligation to talk to you.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy B-Day to Dr. Bedke

Happy Birthday to my husband Brent. He is 29 today so he has to enjoy this last year in his twenties to the fullest.
My friend Emily did this for me on my birthday so I am going to do it for Brent.
29 things I like about Brent
1. He's very smart. Whenever he talks about something he usually knows the source of where he learned it from.
2. He never takes anything too seriously. Even when it's me throwing fits or him having cancer.
3. He is a money saver. Sometimes this attribute drives me crazy but at night I go to sleep feeling really grateful that I have someone who is in control of expenses.
4. He can tease someone about anything. I really mean anything. Even the things I tease him about he will manage to switch it around on me and start teasing me for the things he does.
5. He has great hair. I love the color and it is very thick which I hoping will stay that way. So far so good.
6. He likes to hike and is always thinking of a new place to go.
7. He is a planner. He knows what he wants way ahead of time.
8. He calls me princess which when we first got married I thought he was just a joke but he still does it everyday.
9. He is probably the lowest maintenance person on the planet.
10. He is a bad ass at badminton.
11. He knows almost anything you ask him about. I don't know how he manages to keep up with so much information along with med school.
12. He likes to cuddle which to him means to lay on top of me and breathe hot air into my face.
13. He has never lost his temper in all the time I have known him.
14. He is just like little boy who wears shin socks and sneakers all of the time.
15. He really wants a kitten and asks me constantly when we can get one.
16. He is very handy around the house. He put in the wood floors in the kitchen and tiled the bathrooms. He says next he is going to make me new carpet.
17. He was MVP at City Cup. He didn't even care that he threw up in front of everyone.
18. He throws up if he runs too much.
19. He likes modern design almost as much as I do.
20. He is very helpful around the house, doing dishes or cleaning up.
21. He is going to be my birth coach and has been attending a 12 week birthing class with me even though the teacher is a hippie who obviously doesn't like the medical world or hospitals. Also, he has promised me that he won't tease me during labor. That is a feat in itself, or maybe he just fears for his life.
22. He is going to be a doctor in less than a year. A real life doctor. Enough said.
23. He is reliable, good person who I can trust all of the time. He is always so good about doing what he needs to for his church callings, etc.
24. His first kiss was when he was thirteen with some girl he met at Disneyland. They kissed going down Splash Mountain.
25. He was a rebel in high school. Once he threw a party when his parents were out of town and his grandma was upstairs sleeping. He thought she wouldn't hear them downstairs but she ended up calling the cops on him.
27. He listens to me whenever I need him to.
28. His dancing skills are amazing.
29. He is all around the best package of a husband and I am so glad that I tricked him into marrying me. Translate that sentence anyway you want to because I know exactly how Brent will translate the words 'best package' in relation to himself.
P.S. On my way to TRAX this morning I saw a pigeon with a four inch needle through it's foot. I felt like I was a kid watching the movie of the birds who choke because they put their heads into the six-pack plastic rings. I wonder who leave needles around for pigeons to step on.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Saddened by the death of Tim Russert

I know that everyone is hearing about the passing of Tim Russert. All weekend I have been very torn up about what the country has lost and at an age younger than some of our fathers. I am really going to miss him. I enjoyed watching Meet the Press and when he was on the Today Show. He was the only person involved with the 'political media' that I felt didn't have an agenda of getting his views out amidst a rampant abundance of shows that are so extreme. His only agenda was to get the information out to the people and it also didn't hurt that he was just a likable person. For these reasons I trusted him and what he said. I always felt that I could rely on him to give the facts.
I think that is why there has been such an outpouring at his death. We value real people who give us what they love in the most honest way they can. He loved politics and we knew it from the way he dealt with interviewing and making commentary. I don't know who they can get to replace him and I feel sorry for whoever has to fill those shoes.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Big Brother
My brother's finished table was featured on Moco Loco awhile back. I guess Moco Loco is a Modern and Contemporary Design Blog that my brother was excited just to get on to for his first piece. You can look at it here.
They must have like it because they said this about it.
Ryan has been pursuing his love of furniture design on the side of his full-time job and family. He's always been really talented with making things. Also, he may just have the cutest kids in the world....that is until Brent Jr. is born.

They must have like it because they said this about it.
Ryan has been pursuing his love of furniture design on the side of his full-time job and family. He's always been really talented with making things. Also, he may just have the cutest kids in the world....that is until Brent Jr. is born.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
If you didn't notice I cut all my hair off. It's been over a month so it's not very new, I just hadn't taken any pictures of it until now.

Old me with long mermaid hair.

Everyone has been asking me if I cut off my hair because I'm pregnant and the answer is no. I just got really sick of my heavy, tangled locks. The only problem with short hair is that I have to cut it more often than once every year or so.

Old me with long mermaid hair.

Everyone has been asking me if I cut off my hair because I'm pregnant and the answer is no. I just got really sick of my heavy, tangled locks. The only problem with short hair is that I have to cut it more often than once every year or so.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Fit to Cruise
A couple of weeks ago, Brent and I went on a cruise. When I told my sister we were going on a cruise she said that she didn't think she will go on one until she is old. Brent and I must be old because we love 24 hour access to a soft serve ice cream machine, shuffleboard, and someone feeding us and making our beds every day.
I got a bad sunburn from not blocking up properly.
Snorkeling at Lovers Beach in Cabo.

We saw sea lions basking in the sun. There is a baby one on the lower left corner.

Here's all the loot I won at the slot machines. I don't have to pay tithing on it because it's the devils money.

This is Papa Kim. He was our server at dinner every night. He would mumble under his breath and then tell me what to order instead of what I told him. We loved him because if you changed your order he would just bring you both things as well as whatever extra deserts were lying around. Plus he is a super sweet dancer. ( Pay no attention to my belly, I ate a lot of steak at dinner.)
Rock slides in Puerto Vallarta were excellent and free.

mmmmm more ice cream.

And here are some rare pics of Brent dancing in the Beauties Night Club. See how hip we are? Notice all our friends crowded around us? That's because we went in at 10:00pm because I go to bed early but we were the only ones there.

And here are some rare pics of Brent dancing in the Beauties Night Club. See how hip we are? Notice all our friends crowded around us? That's because we went in at 10:00pm because I go to bed early but we were the only ones there.
The cruise was fantastic and so relaxing. I highly recommend it to anyone who is four months pregnant and hungry. Or anyone just needing some sun and some R&R.
ps. This post is titled so because Carnival made me get a note from my doctor saying I was 'fit to cruise' in order to board.
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