Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Riley Lincoln Dart!

My little brudder is 14 today! He is growing up so fast. Watch out all you girls at the vernal stake dances, a true heartbreaker just entered the scene!
Some of my favorite things about Riley are:
He always has a positive attitude.
He is super chill.
He doesn't mind that I tease him a lot.
He loves animals and always has since he was very little.
He knows an amazing amount of information concerning dinasours and other creatures of the wild.
He wants to be a falconeer (yes that is someone that has a large leather glove and trains birds of prey)
He wanted us to help him dig a big hole in the yard to house his shark for his zoo when he was little.
He loves our dog Chance, also known as Dog, more than anyone else.
He has an athletes metabolism (inside joke).
He shot a badger awhile back from point blank range after my dad dug it out with is back hoe. For those of you who aren't familiar with shooting this is hard to do with a long gun because you have to line it up quickly. (You might think that because he shot the badger that he doesn't love animals. This is not true. We have to kill badgers because they ruin farm ground.)
He was the cutest baby in the whole world.
The cutest baby in the whole world didn't crawl. He scooted around by sitting on his bum and bending one leg in and then pushing off with an arm and his other leg. This way he could get around and still hold things in one hand. He was quite fast and drew a lot of attention.
He keeps my parents busy.
He doesn't demand a lot of attention and is very low maintenance.
He tans much easier than me.
He lets me boss him around like a big sister should do.
He always tries to do the right thing in whatever he does.
His life made a big impact on me at an impressionable age.
He is the best little brother anyone could ask for!

I love you Riley. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Starting to miss my husband

Right now Brent is in his surgical rotation which is probably the most time intensive rotation yet. I don't like to complain about Brent being in med school because we are through a big chunk and things won't be bad for much longer. Plus, Brent is the one that is probably exhausted with his work schedule being so long.
But I am starting to miss seeing him. Here is an example of the current week:
Monday he gets up at 4am and gives me a kiss before he leaves. I get up later at 7 and go to work for the day. When I return home after 5 he isn't home yet. I have to work at Banana at 8 so I think that I will probably get to see him for a couple of hours. He comes home a little after six and we eat supper. He promptly wants to cuddle on the couch (his word for laying on top of me and cutting off all oxygen supply). He falls asleep on me at seven and is totally out and deservingly so, he just spent 14 hours on his feet. I slip out from underneath him and go to work until midnight. When I return home his is still out and wakes four hours later to leave on Tuesday.
Tuesdays I have school so I leave straight from work to head to class that is from 6 to 10. When I get home Brent is again asleep and probably has been asleep for some time. I snuggle up to him and give him a kiss goodnight.
Wednesday. Brent gets up at 5 this morning and leaves for the hospital. I head to work. He has to stay at the hospital all night tonight so I guess that it is good that I have to work at Banana again tonight. Tomorrow I look forward to having the evening off to be with Brent. He will get home tomorrow afternoon which is nice but he will be sleep deprived from staying up most of the night, and will likely sleep a majority of the evening.
Total time spent together awake in four days: One hour.
It will get better. Three more weeks and he is on to Pediatrics which shouldn't be quite as demanding.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

King of Kong

Brent and I went to the best movie last weekend and I recommend it to anyone.
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters is an absolute riot. I was laughing out loud many times. It's documentary on the world champion Donkey Kong player, Billy, and the drama that insues when a guy named Steve threatens his title.
Catch it at The Broadway while it's there.
To see a preview go to: