As you can see, likes to wear my shoes around the house. He must think mine are prettier than Brent's because he doesn't wear his.
Likes jokes and teasing. He smiles when we tell him no, like its a game.
Loves to get tickled.
Can say over twenty words, but most of the hard sounds are the sound of a g. Like 'thank you' is 'gank goo' and 'tickle tickle' is 'geego geego'.
Loves his gaggy(daddy) and is very excited when he comes home from work. Brent usually leaves for work before Darwin and I get up and lately after Darwin is up he has been yelling for him around the house looking for him.
Likes to help Brent with projects in the yard. Brent is putting a retaining wall up and Darwin is a big help:)
Favorite foods are pasta(spaghetti, mac&cheese, noodle soup), cheese, pretzels, banana bread, corn on the cob, grapes and pears. He has started to like chicken and hamburger as well. All in all, a pretty good eater, although I would like him to eat more vegetables.
Has a new fondness to babies since our friends just had a new baby and he goes over and plays at their house a lot. Plus, we've tried to get him used to the idea that he is going to have a baby brother soon. Now we are afraid he will like the baby too much!
Is either a perfect angel or laying down crying over something he can't have or wants to do. Has a very hard time sitting through sacrament meeting.
Is obsessed with Brent's iphone and cries if he can't have it the moment after Brent gets home from work.
Is still a really good sleeper. Sleeps a little over ten hours a night and takes at least a two hour nap in the day. About a month ago, stopped taking a bottle for naps. Now he goes to sleep an hour and a half later so he can eat a big lunch and fill up before going to sleep.
Just got a pillow in his crib and he loves it. He thinks he is a big boy with it.
When given the choice between watching Oprah or Ellen, he chooses Ellen hands down. If I change it to Oprah he picks up the remote and gives it to me and says, "Eh Eh." He loves the dancing and music on Ellen I guess.
If I want Darwin to do anything like come inside or stop doing something I can just say, "Want to take a bath?" and instantly he will stop what he is doing and head up the stairs to the bath tub. He loves his baths, getting wrapped up in the cute animal towels his great grandma Pett made for him and when we get downstairs to get him dressed making a naked mad dash around the house while giggling.
I have to keep clothes on him or at least shorts on or he will take his diaper off and come to me and point out his genitalia to me.
Loves reading books and stacking blocks and knocking them down.
Is overall the joy of my life. It's hard to think we will soon have another little boy and that its possible for us to love the next one as much as we love this little guy. My mom says the love just happens the same way for all of your children as soon as they are born and since she has seven, I guess I'll take her word for it.
He is such a good looking boy! I can't believe how much he has grown up and that hair! Carter is secretly jealous Darwin has so much hair
He's probably pointing his parts out to you because he is confused why you are letting him run around the house in your pretty shoes and watch Oprah and Ellen.
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