Monday, May 17, 2010

How do you know your child is a handful?

When he does this.

I was cooking breakfast saturday morning while Darwin was playing with blocks in the living room. I should have known that he was in to something because it was so quiet, and when I went to check on him I found out why. He got into a huge container of petroleum jelly that usually is out of his reach.
Petroleum jelly is suprisingly hard to clean up. Maybe that is why it works so good on diaper rashes. I finally had to throw these pajamas away because there was no getting it all out. Good thing I got them at a garage sale, but they were my personal favorites of his.
Can you tell how pleased he was with himself?


Jesse C said...

That's pretty amazing. Sorry it was so hard to clean up.

Jeremy said...



That's pretty gross. Yes, your child is a handful!

HaoG said...

Hi Bridgett,

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Best Regards,

Ramanda said...

Ha ha ha! I am laughing at your expense! At least he is extra cute while being a little stinker! Oh the joys of motherhood!

Unknown said...

I can imagine the look on your face when you walked in and found him in that state. Its really funny but for you at that moment, it wasn't.
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