I haven't blogged for over a month and probably won't be putting up anything new soon, but I will update everyone on what is going on in our lives.
We sold our condo after only ten days on the market. Much, much sooner than we expected, so we moved out on the 28th of February and put most of our things in storage(as well as our digital camera cord for downloading pics). Brent is living at his parents house because he still has school to go to. I started my student teaching on the 17th of February down in Lehi and my sister who lives in American Fork is taking care of Darwin for the most part. We stay at her house during the week and then we join Brent at his parents house in Sandy for the weekends.
Darwin has been such a good baby considering he has be shuffled off back and forth many different nights. He just started eating rice cereal this week and loves it. We love it as well because it seems to keep him more full and he is starting to get chubbier everyday. His latest thing is to shrill like a girl for extended periods of time.
We are counting the days down until we find out where we are matched for residency. March 19th(next Thursday)is the day we open the letter that tells us where we will live for the next four years. I haven't been anxious to find out where we are going until now and that is because of a whole different reason which I will explain after match day.
Student teaching is going well and I am so lucky to work with the teachers I have been assigned to but I will be so glad when it is over. Being away from Darwin kills me a little everyday and I look forward to being back home with him where ever that home may be:)
We will post as soon as we know where we are going. Until then...