So I am over a month late on posting Penn's birthday and two months on Darwin's. I'll post Penn's now because I want to put a video up of Darwin.
Brent was out of town at a conference so we pushed celebrating for awhile. Then colds hit, Brent had to go to another conference, and while he was gone Darwin threw a sharp wooden object at Penn's head and gave him five stitches. So that is the reason for the band aid above his eyebrow. Anyway, we finally got to celebrate Penn's first birthday.
What can I say about this boy besides that I LOVE LOVE LOVE him. He's just the sweetest thing I can get my hands on. He's been all around the perfect baby and he brings so much joy into our lives I can hardly stand it. He has the happiest disposition and for that probably gets a hundred kisses on those cheeks a day. My dad would probably say, "Stop muggin the kid." like he did when Riley was little and I would kiss him lots too. But I don't care because soon he won't be my little boy and I'll miss him terribly.
Facts about Penn:He loves to eat frozen blueberries in the morning and motions and grunts towards the freezer so I will get them out.
He also loves strawberries and pomegranate seeds.
Eats, eats and eats. Is hungry almost every two to three hours and spends a lot of time in his high chair.
Loves snuggling or sitting in our laps when he's tired.
Is obsessed with peek-a-boo and dogs that he sees through our front window.
Loves Darwin so much despite the abuse he's received.(Luckily, Darwin seems to have turned a new leaf recently and instead of beating his brother he wants to now smother him and make him do what he wants him to.)
Is very good at mimicking sounds.
Loves music and waiving his hands and bopping his head to the beat.
Is a champion pooer. For a while he was consistently making a dirty diaper three or four times a day. Recently it has slowed down for which I am thankful for.
Has eight teeth that he uses to bite my shoulder and legs repeatedly.